

Importante referência inclusive da tradição cristã. Segundo Orígenes)) cada um de seus livros ofereceria as direções necessárias para o trabalho interior, desde o neófito (Provérbios), passando pelo Eclesiastes, até o perfeito (teleios) se dedicando ao estudo do1 the angel2. This ring is an emblem of election justifying royal duties and provides a mediating role between the godhead and human beings. Without it, there would be no Solomonic gestures, no enslavement of the demons and genies, which the stories of ((Aladdin and the fisherman from The Thousand and One Nights bring onto the stage.

And that is not all! Ruling over the winds and the animals, understanding the language of the birds, and owning an assortment of marvelous objects and weapons, Solomon was regarded from very early on as a magician responsible for a vast array of magic works. A number of scholars in the medieval West, for example, Michael Scott and Roger Bacon, drew up a list of them. But today the Clavicles (the “little keys”), copies of which can easily be found in occult bookstores, still enjoy the widest renown.

Solomon’s legend did not develop out of whole cloth; it is based on pre-Islamic beliefs and Indian and Persian tales. For example, today we know that the prototype for Solomon’s throne is that of hindu:Vikramaditya, the mythical sovereign of Ujjain, India, who, like Solomon, was renowned for his wisdom.

We have barely inventoried everything that the son of David was able to accomplish. The number of buildings he constructed is impressive, and quite often these edifices became the support for new etiological legends to explain their components. Solomon, like Alexander the Great, was also an explorer who sprang into the heavens and descended to the bottom of the sea.

Folktales were engendered by his legend, not only in Europe, but in the Maghreb and Indonesia as well. Solomon’s presence can be found as far away as Malaysia where, in the seventeenth century, Bukhari of Johore discovered several anecdotes about him. In Ukraine, for example, several stories revolve around Solomon’s mother, a mother who has no hesitation when it comes to trying to slay her son. Other tales illustrate the wisdom of the son of David but also his lust. These stories give us a kaleidoscope whose images enchant and astound us in turn and sometimes make us smile.

  1. Cântico dos Cânticos.

    Em 1Reis 1-11 encontra-se o que foi escrito no AT sobre Salomão, no mais constam seus escritos propriamente. O Corão também relata estórias relativas a Salomão em diferentes Suras. Assim, este relata sua procreatividade e o lista entre os fundadores de famílias. Afirma seu notável discernimento e sua sabedoria. Esta última se estendia às ciências naturais. Falava com árvores e com animais, era capaz de compreender a humilde formiga e a linguagem dos pássaros. Dominava os ventos e a navegação. Djinns trabalhavam sob suas ordens; construíam palácios, estátuas, jardins, tapetes. Carregavam-no em seus longos deslocamentos.

    Assim, Salomão ou Suleiman ibn Daoud como chamado em árabe, foi o mais rico e sábio monarca na terra, e também o mais poderoso. Os pensadores islâmicos viam cada um dos profetas como um canal particular para a transmissão do espírito divino que inicia, vivifica e determina. Salomão é visto como tendo o poder espiritual especial de dominar e dirigir a maneira como as coisas físicas e elementares se comportam. De acordo com o Corão, Salomão sabia que este domínio foi lhe concedido por Deus o Clemente, o Misericordioso. Enquanto Clemente, Deus lhe deu gratuitamente, enquanto Misericordioso, Ele obriga por compromisso.

    A Bíblia relata como no quarto ano de seu reinado, em seguida a um sonho no qual disse, «Sou apenas um pequenino; não sei como sair ou entrar», Salomão começou a construir a Casa do Senhor, o Templo de Salomão. Usou a sabedoria que lhe foi dada para ordenar, administrar e construir. Por todo apoio recebido de Deus, Salomão tinha a certeza que o Grande Arquiteto do Universo favorecia seu empenho. Na parte mais interior do templo havia um santuário para a arca da aliança. Ouro foi usado em profusão assim como cedro do Líbano.

    Lendas relatam sobre o Selo de Salomão, sua lâmpada misteriosa, seu trono, e acima de tudo seu anel, todos dotados de poderes.

    Ibn Arabi: Ibn Arabi Salomon

    Jacob Needleman: Needleman Lenda de Asmodeus

    Claude Lecouteux: King Solomon. The Magus (2022)

    Few sovereigns have left such a deep imprint in legends and folktales as King Solomon. A historical figure who built the Temple of Jerusalem and founded cities and fortresses, the son of David was God’s chosen prophet who had dominion over demons and owned many magical objects. This king, known for his wisdom, was the subject of a thousand stories and has found a place in the pantheon of men who left their mark on history. The Hebrews called him Schlomo; the Arabs, Sulayman; the Greeks and Romans, Salomo—a family name that carries the notion of peace for his reign, and he was, according to all the traditions, quite peaceful. His memory has traveled through the centuries and can be found among the Arabs and Persians, as well as in the work of the church father Origen. His name can also be found among the Bulgarians, the Byzantines, the Russians, the Ukranians, the Egyptian Copts, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians.

    The primary sources of his legend are the books of Kings of the Bible, as well as Flavius Josephus, the Qu’ran, and the Talmud. Over the course of time, these elements have been embellished, developed, and enriched with outside contributions, and, little by little, came together to form the history of a monarch whose notoriety is equaled only by that of Alexander the Great—both kings serving as model monarchs for rulers throughout history. Furthermore, we can find certain episodes from the life of the Macedonian conqueror in the Solomonic history, for example, his descent to the bottom of the sea and his flight into the heavens.

    The legend of the son of David has been the subject of countless studies, such as that of René Basset, who investigated the traces he left in Arabic literature, followed by the research of Pierre Saintyves. Eugène Hins collected the Ukrainian traditions; Lidia Shishmanova, those of Bulgaria; Vuk Stefanovic those of Serbia; and Isabel Florence Hapgood those of Russia. The echoes of his legend resound as far as Indonesia and Mongolia.

    Novelists were also inspired by this figure. As examples, I can mention Henry Rider Haggard with King Solomon’s Mines (1885), Romain Gary’s L’angoisse du roi Salomon (King Solomon, 1979), and José Rodriguez Dos Santos’s A Chave de Salomäo (The Key of Solomon, 2014).

    Scriptwriters and producers followed on their heels: King Vidor offered us Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (1958), Jack Lee Thompson, Quartermain and King Solomon’s Mines (1993), and Iranian filmmaker Shahriar Bahrani, The Kingdom of Solomon in 2009.

    In turn, graphic novels took on this subject: Catherine Zarcate gave us The Dream of Solomon, Eric Heuvel and Martin Lodewijk, King Solomon’s Treasure, and Vassaux and Facon, The Pillars of Solomon (1991). Video games were also not immune to the appeal of this subject, and among them we have Baphomet’s Knights: The Guardians of the Temple (2006) and Hidden Expedition: The Crown of Solomon (2014).

    So just what could be the reason for this persistent infatuation with the son of David? Could it be his power over the genies and demons, referred to as djinns, divs, and peri, thanks to a ring 

  2. Gabriel gave him? This object is at the heart of his legend; it is what gives this king a supernatural, or even what we could call a wizardly, power. It draws its power from the carving of a divine name in the shape of a pentalpha that forms the name of YAHVE 

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