Boehme: La chair signifie …


XX, 51. La chair signifie : 1. la génération la plus extérieure, qui est la maison de la mort ; 2. La seconde génération dans l’homme, ou le sidérique, dans lequel est la vie, et où l’amour et la colère combattent l’un l’autre.

52. Et l’homme peut porter jusque-là la connaissance de lui-même : car l’engendrement sidérique enfante la vie dans la plus extérieure génération, c’est-à-dire dans la chair morte. (Jacob Boehme, Aurore)

John Sparrow

50. [Note three sorts of births or genitures in man]

The flesh signifieth, 1. The outward birth or geniture, which is the house of death. 2. The second birth or geniture in man is the astral, in which the life standeth, and wherein love and wrath wrestle the one with the other; and thus far man himself knoweth himself; for the astral birth generateth the life in the outermost, that is, in the dead flesh. 3. The third birth is generated between the astral and the outermost, and that is called the animated or soulish birth or geniture, or the soul, and is as large as the whole man.

51. And that birth or geniture the outward man neither knoweth nor comprehendeth; neither doth the astral comprehend it, for every qualifying or fountain spirit comprehendeth only its innate or instant root, which signifieth or resembleth the heaven.