Thomas a Kempis Nomes de Jesus e Maria

Thomas a Kempis — Da Invocação do Santo Nome de Jesus
Excertos do livros sobre o Nome de Jesus, de1

Da Invocação do Santo Nome de Jesus e da Virgem Maria, Sua Bendita Mãe

O sweet Name of Jesus, holy above all names in heaven and on earth, and to which every knee, both of men and of angels in heaven, on earth and in hell bends. You are the way of the just, the glory of the saints, the hope of those in need, the balm oif the sick, the love of the devout and the consolation of those that suffer. O Jesus, be to me a help and a protector so that your Name may be blessed for all times. . . . (.Manualis Parvulorum XII)


“Direct my ways in thy sight O Lord my God.” In your ways, O Lord Jesus Christ, in your beautiful ways, pure and secure, that I might walk in them with justice and in perfection. For all your paths are peaceful and holy, leading the faithful and those of humble heart into you heavenly kingdom.

Whenever you go, wherever you walk of stand or rest, invoke Jesus and invoke Mary, his sweet mother, and consider as you go this short verse with a willing spirit: “Direct my ways in thy sight O Lord” adding to it in a like manner, “perfect, O sweet Jesus, my goings in thy paths that my footsteps may not be moved to the vision of empty things, or the speaking of vain words that may be harmful to my soul.” And as you travel on this earthly pilgrimage, take for yourself as a provision [viaticum), much as a shepard’s staff held firmly in the hand, this short prayer, “JESU-MARIA”. Say it often and with great devotion. JESU-MARIA be with me always on the way, in every place and at all times. Be my strong guide lest I wander in error from the true path or be frightened by inner or outer imaginings. The holy prayer “JESU-MARIA” is brief of speech, light to carry, easy to hold and sweet to contemplate. It is a strong shield, faithful as a guardian, friendly as a companion, delightful as a refreshment, sweet as a consolation and powerful as a help. The prayer JESU-MARIA is a most powerful method for all of us poor pilgrims on the way to the eternal life, a way to be traveled with justice and with contempt of the world. This holy prayer of “JESU-MARIA” makes better allies and more powerful soldiers than all the kings and princes of this world. It makes better and loftier saints than all the saints in heaven and on earth. This holy prayer attracts to him who says it, the whole heavenly court, for this court follows with all reverence its Lord Jesus Christ and his holy mother Mary, for she is worthy of all dignity and is honored by all. Do not forsake that Jesus that-along with Mary-with whom you wish for all eternity to live and rejoice. He who carries Jesus and Mary in his heart, repeats JESUS and MARY with his lips, blesses JESUS and MARY with his mouth, clapping with his hands and dancing with his feet; he belches out JESUS and MARY with his voice, with his heart rejoicing, his eyes beseeching, his face expressing his longing, embracing JESUS and MARY with his arms, kissing them with his lips and adoring them on his knees. Such a person travels on this earthly pilgrimage in a beneficial and secure manner.

Truly he is blessed who sedulously invokes Jesus and Mary, salutes them with devotion, remembers them with love, honors them to the extreme, praises them with joy, loves them with the greatest ardor, and glorifies them to the highest. He speaks forth their Names with the greatest sweetness, singing and enjoying the very sound of their Names with the greatest joy. O how sweet is the Name of JESUS and MARY, his most blessed mother. O how happy is the pilgrim who everywhere in this time of exile remembers his heavenly homeland where Jesus together with Mary enjoy with all the saints and the angels the greatest joy and eternal glory. Blessed are the poor and the beggers who daily solicit the bread of heaven, and until they receive a crumb do not cease to humbly suplicate before the table of the Lord. Blessed is he who is called to the supper of the Lamb, and until he comes to the heavenly supper is satisfied with the sacrament of it here.

Just as when the devout communicate, or when the priest celebrates Mass with devotion and reverence, so also when a person blesses JESUS and his mother by calling on their Names, do they partake of the sacred bread and wine. Those who invoke the divine Names are the disciples of Christ and the chaplains of the Blessed Virgin MARY. They are the companions of the angels, fellow citizens with the Apostles, dwellers in the house of God, relatives of the saints and friends of heaven. Such a person flees the crowds, hates gossip, meditates on the words of Jesus, and guards his heart and his senses with care lest JESUS, MARY and all the saints be offended.

As soon as one cries out “JESUS”, he receives blessings and mercy from Our Lord, for no matter where he is, nor in what danger he finds himself, as soon as he cries out JESUS, our Lord hears him from heaven. Is this not what happened to the disciples in the sea of Galilee? When they were about to be drowned, they invoked JESUS, and at once He appeared and said, “Why are you afraid? Have faith, I am here, do not be afraid.” the very sound of the word JESUS is a sweet consolation, a strong protection, a joy and a happiness; it is a blessing and an indulgence, a grace and a most powerful support leading us to the eternal life (Vallis Lilliorum XIII).

“I shall be remembered by all generations.” Mary loved to live, from the time of the birth of Jesus until He died on the cross, in poor circumstances, in humility and in all perfection. … If anyone flies to her and cleaves to her with humility, and if he invokes her glorious and sweet Name, he will never retire from her presence with his hands empty. Whole choirs of angels are subservient to her commands, and she can send them to assist those who call upon her. She also commands the demons, lest any of them should dare to bother or molest anyone who submits to her care and authority. Our Queen defeated and ejected the malignant spirit from heaven, and as son as her holy Name was heard, they fell straight into the fires of hell. The devil hates and fears the holy Name of MARY

which Christians everywhere so greatly love and repeat. Nor do the demons dare to appear and to exercise their evil mockeries in a place where they know the holy Name of Mary shines forth. Before the Name of MARY, they prostrate themselves, as if it were thunder hurled at them from heaven itself. On the other hand, the holy angels and saints rejoice and delight together with all the devout faithful when they remember MARY (which they do frequently and with a good will), whose most honorable Name is extolled within all the boundaries of the Church-a Church dedicated in a special manner to that Name. Indeed, it is most honorable and right that all the holy saints should honor the Name of the mother of His earthly birth which all the angels of the universe venerate and praise in the highest. Indeed, all the faithful venerate, all the devout adore, all the religious embrace, all the laity commend, all sinners extol, all those in trouble are familiar with, and all those in danger invoke this very Name. It is the closest to God and the most loved of His only Son, Our Lord Jesus.

Choose the Blessed Mother of Jesus ahead of your own parents and friends as a special mother and advocate before death. Greet her frequently with the Angelic Salutation, for she listens to this most willingly. If the malignant one attacks you and hinders your prayer, pay him no heed, increase your praying and praising, but even more, invoke with greater intensity the Name of MARY. Salute MARY, think MARY, honor MARY, lean on MARY, commend yourself to MARY and repeat the Name of MARY. Be with MARY in your cell, be silent with MARY, pray with MARY, rejoice with MARY, be sad with MARY, work with MARY, walk and sit with MARY and be recollected with MARY,

Seek the things of the spirit with MARIA-JESU, bear MARIA-JESU in your arms, live with MARY and JESUS in Jerusalem even to the cross, weep with MARY and JESUS, be buried with JESUS and MARY, rise again with JESUS and MARY, ascend into heaven with JESUS and MARY and desire to die with them. Brothers, if you know and practice this method, the devil will fly away from you and you will become proficient in the spiritual life. MARY will willingly intercede for you in her mercy and JESUS willingly listens to MARY out of His respect for her. It is little enough that we do, but if we approach the Father with a humble and contrite heart through JESUS and MARY, we shall be recipients of His mercy and grace now and of His glory in the future for ever and ever. … It is indeed good to often repeat the Ave Maria and to invoke the Name of the Mother of JESUS frequently (Sermons to Novices).


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  1. Rama Coomaraswamy