Rolle Nome Jesus

Richard Rolle — Virtudes do Nome de Jesus


The Virtues of the name Jesus
If thou wilt to be with God, and to have grace to rule thy life, and to come to the joy of love; this name Jesu-fasten it so fast in thine heart, that it come never out of thy thought. And when thou speakest to him, and sayest Jesu, through custom, it shall be in thine ear joy, and in thy mouth honey, and in thine heart melody. For thou shalt think joy to hear the name of Jesu named, sweetness to speak it, mirth and song to think on it. If thou think on Jesu continually and hold it stably, it purgeth thy sin, it kindleth thy heart, it clarifieth thy soul, it removeth anger, it doeth away slowness, it bringeth in love fulfilled of charity, it chaseth the devil, it putteth out dread, it openeth heaven, it maketh contemplative men. Have Jesu often in mind ; For all vices and phantoms it putteth from the lover or it. Also thereto hail Mary often, both day and night, and then much joy and love shalt thou feel. If thou do after this sort, thou needest not greatly covet many books. Hold love in heart and in work, and thou hast all that we may say or write ; for fulness of law is charity ; in that hangeth all.

The Meditation.
QLEUM effusian nomen tuum. That is in English, Ointment outpoured is thy name.

This name is ointment outpoured, for Jesu, the Word of God, has taken man’s nature. Jesu, thou fulfillest in work what thou art called in name : — (in truth he saves man,-he whom we call Saviour,)-therefore Jesu is thy name.

Ah ! ah ! that wonderful name ! Ah ! that delightable name ! This is the name that is above all names, the highest name of all, without which no man hopes for health. This name is in mine ear heavenly sound, in my mouth honeyful sweetness.

Soothly, Jesu, desirable is thy name, lovable and comfortable. None so sweet joy may be conceived, none so sweet song may be heard, none so sweet and delightable solace may be had in mind.

Soothly, nothing so slackens fell flames; destroys ill thoughts; puts out venomous affections ; does away curious and vain occupations from us.

This name Jesu, leally holden in mind, draws out vices by the root; plants virtues; sows charity; pours in savour of heavenly things; wastes discord ; forms again peace ; gives lasting rest; does away grievousness of fleshly desires ; turns all earthly things to nought; fills the loving with ghostly joy.

Wherefore what can fail him that covets everlastingly to love the name of Jesu ? Soothly he loves and he yearns for to love ; for we have known that the love of God stands in such manner that the more we love the more we long to love. Wherefore it is said, Qui edunt me adhuc esurient, et qui bibunt me adhuc sitiunt; that is to say, They that eat me hunger yet, and they that drink me thirst yet.

Therefore itself delightable and covetable is the name of Jesu and the love of it. Therefore joy shall not fail him that covets busily for to love him whom angels yearn for to behold. Angels ever see and ever they yearn for to see; and they are so filled that their filling does not away their desire, and so their desire does not away their filling.

Therefore, Jesu, all shall joy that love thy name. Soothly shall they joy now by the in-pouring of grace, and in time to come by the sight of joy ; and therefore shall they joy, for that they love thy name. In sooth, were they not loved, they might not joy; and they that love more shall joy more ; for why ?-joy comes of love.

Therefore he that loves not, he shall evermore be without joy.

Therefore many poor wretches of the world, trowing that they shall joy with Christ, shall sorrow without end ; and why ? For that they loved not the name of Jesu. Whatsoever ye doy if ye give all that ye have unto the needy, except ye love the name of Jesu ye travail in vain. They alone may joy in Jesu that love him in this life; and they that fill them with vices and venomous delights, doubtless they shall be put out of joy.

Also know all that the name of Jesu is healthful, fruitful, and glorious. Therefore who shall have health that loves it not ? Or who shall bear the fruit before Christ, that has not the flower? And joy shall he not see that in his joying loved not the name of Jesu. The wicked shall be done away, that he see not the joy oj God.

Soothly the righteous seek the joy and the life, and they find it in Jesu whom they love.

I went about those covetous of riches, and I found not Jesu.

I ran by the fleshly wantons, and I found not Jesu.

I sat in companies of worldly mirth, and I found not Jesu.

In all these I sought Jesu, but I found him not ; for he let me wit by his grace that he is not found in the land of soft living.

Therefore I turned by another way, and I ran about by poverty ; and I found Jesu, pure-born in the world, laid in a crib and lapped in clothes.

I went by suffering of weariness, and I found Jesu weary in the way, tormented with hunger, thirsty and cold, filled with reproofs and blames.

I sat by myself, fleeing the vanities of the world, and I found Jesu fasting in the desert, praying alone in the mount.

I ran by the pain of penance, and I found Jesu bounden, scourged, given gall to drink, nailed to the cross, hanging on the cross, and dying on the cross.

Therefore Jesu is not found in nches, but in poverty : not in delights, but in penance : not in wanton joying, but in bitter weeping : not among many, but in loneliness.

Soothly an evil man finds not Jesu, for where lie is he seeks him not. He endeavours to seek fcsu in the joy of the world, where never shall he be found.

Soothly therefore the name of Jesu is healthful, and need behoves that it be loved of all that covet salvation. He covets well his salvation that keeps busily in him the name of Jesu.

Soothly I have no wonder if the tempted fall, who put not in lasting mind the name of Jesu.

Safely may he (or such as he) choose to live alone, that has chosen the name of Jesu to his own possession; for there may no wicked spirit do harm, where Jesu is much in mind or named in mouth.

Versão em inglês um pouco mais atual
Seleção do livro de G.E. Hogson, “Some Minor Works of Richard Rolle”, publicado pela Ed. Watkins em 1923.


Oleum effusian nomen tuum. That is, in English, “Oil outpoured is Thy Name.” The Name of Jesus comes into the world, and as such it smells as oil out-poured. Oil! that is taken for the everlasting salvation which is hoped for. Truly “Jesus” is as much as to mean, savior or healthful. Therefore, what means “Oil outpoured is Thy Name,”2 save “Jesus is Thy Name?” This Name is oil out-poured, because Jesus, the Word of God, has taken man’s nature. Jesus! Thou fulfillest indeed what Thou art called in name; soothly one says- Thou, Whom we call Savior. Therefore, Jesus is Thy Name.

Ah! that wonderful Name! Ah! that delectable Name! This is the Name that is above all names, Name altogether highest, without which no man hopes for health. This Name is sweet and joyful, giving truthful comfort into man’s heart. Soothly, the Name of Jesus is, in my mind, a joyous song, in mine ear a heavenly sound, in my mouth honey-full sweetness. Therefore, it is no wonder if I love that Name, which gives me comfort in every anguish. I cannot pray, I cannot meditate but in sounding the Name of Jesus. I savor no joy that is Un-mingled with Jesus. Wheresoever I be, wheresoever I sit, whatsoever I do, the remembrance of the Name of Jesus departs not from my mind. I have set it as a token upon my heart, as a token upon mine arm; for “love is as strong as death.” As death slays all, so love overcomes all. Everlasting love has overcome me, not to slay but to quicken me. But it has wounded me in order to heal me; it has struck through my heart that it may be the more healthfully healed; and now, overcame, I yield. Unless I live for joy, very soon I must die, for I, in this feeble flesh, cannot suffice to bear so flowing a sweetness, and ever it falls into inebriation; the flesh cannot fail in its virtue awhile the soul in such joy is ravished to joy But wherefore cometh such joy to me but for Jesus? The Name of Jesus has taught me to sing, and has lightened my mind with the heat of uncreated light.

Therefore I sigh and cry; who shall shew to the beloved Jesus that I languish for love? My flesh has failed, and my heart has melted into love, in yearning after Jesus. The whole heart fixed in yearning after Jesus is turned into Fire of Love, and with the sweetness of the Godhead is it fully filled. Therefore, O good Jesus, have mercy on this wretch, shew Thyself to this languishing one, be leech to this wounded one. If Thou comest, I am whole: I do not feel sick, only languishing for Thy love. Seeking Jesus Whom it loves, with Whose love it is seized, Whom alone it covets, let my soul seize on Thee.

Soothly the mind touched with sovereign sweetness, sighs to wax hot in the Makers love, while it strives to hold busily within it the sweetest Name of Jesus.

Truly, there rises thence a great love, and whatever thing it truly touches it ravishes it utterly to it. It inflames affection, and binds thought; and draws all men to its service.

Soothly Jesus, desirable is Thy Name, lovable and comfortable. None other so sweet song may be heard, none other so sweet joy be conceived; none other so delectable solace may be had in mind.

Therefore, whosoever thou beest that makest thyself ready for the love of God, if thou wilt neither be deceived nor deceive, if thou wilt be wise and not unwise, if thou wilt stand and not fall, remember busily to hold the Name of Jesus in thy mind. Thine enemy shall fall, and thou shalt stand: thine enemy shall be made weak and thou shalt be made strong; and if thou wilt loyally do this, thou shalt be, far from fear, a glorious and lovable overcomer. Therefore, seek the Name of Jesus, hold it, and forget it not. Soothly no other thing so quenches hell flames, destroys all ill thoughts, puts out venemous affections, does away with curious and vain affections from us.

Also this Name Jesus, loyally held in mind, drags up vices by the roots, plants virtues, sows charity, pours in the savor of heavenly things, drains away discord, reforms peace, gives everlasting rest, utterly does away the grievousness of fleshly desires, turns all earthly things worthless, and fills His lovers with ghostly joy. So that it may well be said: Et gloriabuntur omnes qui diligunt nomen tuum, quoniam tu benedices justo; that is “All that love Thy Name shall rejoice; for the righteous Thou shalt bless.”

For the righteous has deserved to be blessed if he have truly loved the Name of Jesus. Therefore, what can be wanting to him who incessantly desires to love the Name of Jesus? Soothly, he loves and he yearns to love; for we have known that the love of God so is that in so far as we love more, the more we long to love; wherefore it is said : Qui me edunt adhuc esuriunt, et qui me bibunt adhuc sici-unt; that is “they that eat Me hunger still, and they that drink Me still thirst.” Therefore the Name of Jesus and the love of it, is in itself delectable and to be coveted.

Therefore joy shall not be wanting to him who busily desires to love Him “Whom the Angels yearn to behold.” The Angels ever see, and ever yearn to see, and they are so filled that their filling does not quench desire: and they so desire, that their desire does not do away with their filling.

This is full Joy, this is unending Joy, this is glorious Joy, wherewith we being filled, use lastingly without pain, and if we use it we shall be filled for ever without any loss. Therefore, Jesus, all shall rejoice that love Thy Name. Soothly now shall they rejoice for the inpouring of grace, and in time to come for the sight of Joy; and, therefore, shall they rejoice because they love Thy Name. Soothly were they not loved, they could not rejoice. And they that love more shall rejoice more; for why, Joy comes of love. Therefore, he who loves not shall be evermore without Joy. Therefore, many wretches of the world expecting to rejoice with Christ, shall sorrow endlessly because they loved not the Name of Jesus. “Whatsoever ye do, if ye give all that ye have unto the needy, except ye love the Name of Jesus, ye travail in vain.” Alonely they may rejoice in Jesus, who love Him in this life: and they who fill themselves with vices and venomous delights, no fear but they are put out of Joy. So, let all men know that the Name of Jesus is healthful, fruitful and glorious. Therefore, who shall have health who loves it not? Who shall bear fruit before Christ who has not the flower? and he shall not see Joy, who, rejoicing, loved not the Name of Jesus. The wicked shall be done away so that he sees not the joy of God. Truly, the righteous seek joy and life and they find it in Jesus, whom they loved.

I went about by covetousness of riches, and I found not Jesus. I ran by the wantonness of the flesh, and I found not Jesus. I sat in companies of worldly mirth and I found not Jesus. In all of them I sought Jesus, but I found Him not; for He let me know by His grace that He is not found in the land of softly living. Therefore, I turned by another way, and I ran about by poverty and I found Jesus, poorly born into the world, laid in a crib, lapped in cloths. I went by suffering of sharpness; and I found Jesus weary in the way, tormented with hunger, thirst and cold, filled with reproofs and blame. I sat by my lone, fleeing the vanity of the world, and I found Jesus, in the desert, fasting, in the Mount, praying alone. I ran by pain and penance, and I found Jesus, bound, scourged, given gall to drink, nailed to the cross (hanging on the Cross) and dying on the Cross. Therefore, Jesus is not found in riches but in poverty, not in delights but in penance, not in wanton joying but in bitter weeping, not among many but in loneliness.

Soothly, an evil man finds not Jesus, for where He is he seeks Him not. He forces himself to seek Jesus in the joy of the world, where never shall He be found. Soothly therefore, the Name of Jesus is helpful, and needs must be loved by all who covet salvation. He well covets his own salvation who busily keeps within him the Name of Jesus. Soothly, I have no wonder that he, who puts not the Name of Jesus lastingly in his mind, falls when tempted. Certainly, only he may choose to live who has chosen the Name of Jesus for his special own; for no wicked spirit can trouble when Jesus is much in mind and named by the mouth.

Therefore, the Name of Jesus is to be held busily in mind.

When I had taken my singular purpose, and left the secular habit, and I began to serve God more than man, it fell on a night, as I lay in my rest, in the beginning of my conversion, there appeared to me a full fair young woman, the which I had seen before, and she loved me not a little in good love. And when I had beholden her, and I wondered why she came so, in the night, in the wilderness, suddenly, without more speech she laid herself beside me. And when I felt her there, I feared lest she should draw me to evil, and said, I would rise up and bless us in the Name of The Holy Trinity. And she constrained me so stalwartly that I had no mouth to speak, nor no hand to stir; and when I saw that, I perceived well that there was no woman, but the devil in the shape of a woman. Therefore, I turned me to God, and with my mind I said; “My Jesus, how precious is Thy Blood,” making the Cross with my finger upon my breast; and at once she waxed weak, and suddenly, all was away; and I thanked God, who delivered me. And soothly, from that time forth, I forced myself to love Jesus; and ever the more I increased in the love of Jesus, the sweeter I found it; and from that day it never went from my mind.

Therefore, blessed be the Name of Jesus in the world of worlds. Amen.